
Before Change

        // respect to each input dimension should be taken into account,
        // but we ignore the differences and assume that the curvature is
        // uniform with respect to all the input dimensions.
        directions /= xp.sqrt(xp.square(directions).sum())

        // Small elements in the direction vector leads to instability on
        // gradients comparison.
        // In order to avoid that, absolute values are capped at
        // 0.1 / sqrt(N) at minimum, where N is the number of elements.
        // Other elements are scaled uniformly so that the total L2 norm
        // will remain 1.
        min_d = 0.1 / math.sqrt(size)
        is_small = min_d > xp.abs(directions)
        is_large = xp.logical_not(is_small)
        n_small = is_small.sum()
        sq_large = xp.square(directions[is_large]).sum()
        scale = xp.sqrt((1 - n_small * min_d ** 2) / sq_large)

        // Cap small elements.
        directions[is_small] = xp.sign(directions[is_small]) * min_d

After Change

        // Small elements in the direction vector leads to instability on
        // gradients comparison. In order to avoid that, make absolute values
        // at least 0.1 / sqrt(size).
        sq_directions = xp.square(directions)
        sq_norm = sq_directions.sum()
        return xp.copysign(
            // Weighted quadratic mean of
            // abs(directions / norm) and xp.full(size, 1 / xp.sqrt(size)),
            // where norm = xp.sqrt(sq_norm)
                (0.99 / sq_norm) * sq_directions
                + 0.01 / size),
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: chainer/chainer
Commit Name: d02772a31ca01d562d7d0e481e7ec2831decab4b
Time: 2019-10-11
Author: kataoka@preferred.jp
File Name: chainer/gradient_check.py
Class Name: _CheckBackward
Method Name: _sample_unit_vector

Project Name: keras-team/keras
Commit Name: 96c3c195ca805758e094780b59077bea9db99f41
Time: 2018-08-25
Author: key.mtrgtring@gmail.com
File Name: examples/mnist_siamese.py
Class Name:
Method Name: contrastive_loss

Project Name: SheffieldML/GPy
Commit Name: 6ed91ce102545bd90644906876e5e18affe82744
Time: 2014-11-20
Author: z.dai@sheffield.ac.uk
File Name: GPy/kern/_src/psi_comp/linear_psi_comp.py
Class Name:
Method Name: psicomputations