
Before Change

    // should be removed once the minimum Pandas version is 1.1,
    // as Pandas loc will raise a KeyError if columns provided do not exist
    wrong_columns_provided = set(directions).difference(df.columns)
    if any(wrong_columns_provided):
        if len(wrong_columns_provided) > 1:
            outcome = ", ".join(f""{word}"" for word in wrong_columns_provided)
            raise ValueError(
                f"Columns {outcome} do not exist in the dataframe."
        outcome = "".join(wrong_columns_provided)
        raise ValueError(f"Column {outcome} does not exist in the dataframe.")

    // check that the right directions are provided
    set_directions = {"up", "down", "updown", "downup"}

    // linter throws an error when I use dictionary.values()
    // it assumes that dictionary is a dataframe

After Change

    check("directions", directions, [dict])

    if limit is not None:
        check("limit", limit, [int])
        // pandas raises error if limit is not greater than zero
        // so no need for a check on pyjanitor"s end

    check_column(df, directions)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: ericmjl/pyjanitor
Commit Name: b5dca485575de7052f2ce8f39ea845e848e1ac89
Time: 2020-12-09
Author: samueloranyeli@gmail.com
File Name: janitor/functions.py
Class Name:
Method Name: fill_direction

Project Name: keras-team/autokeras
Commit Name: 5b8b1c9419fca922ae4e670d1d6c798f833f0268
Time: 2020-04-07
Author: abraham.g.sebastian@gmail.com
File Name: autokeras/tasks/structured_data.py
Class Name: SupervisedStructuredDataPipeline
Method Name: __init__