
Before Change

  if exclude_alleles is None:
    exclude_alleles = [vcf_constants.GVCF_ALT_ALLELE]
  // pyformat: disable
  return (not is_ref(variant) and
          len(variant.reference_bases) == 1 and
          len(variant.alternate_bases) >= 1 and
          all((len(x) == 1 or x in exclude_alleles)
              for x in variant.alternate_bases))
  // pyformat: enable

After Change

    True if all alleles of variant are 1 bp in length.
  relevant_alts = _non_excluded_alts(variant.alternate_bases, exclude_alleles)
  return (len(variant.reference_bases) == 1 and len(relevant_alts) >= 1 and
          all(len(x) == 1 for x in relevant_alts))

Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: google/deepvariant
Commit Name: 4f3ec507fb0c87f0fa25f3dee5d7006e0c3dfecd
Time: 2019-10-03
Author: marianattestad@google.com
File Name: third_party/nucleus/util/variant_utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: is_snp

Project Name: google/nucleus
Commit Name: 1c0e8b29a453c40b9e1828e9213b5b03d1f11a2f
Time: 2019-10-03
Author: no-reply@google.com
File Name: nucleus/util/variant_utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: is_snp

Project Name: google/deepvariant
Commit Name: 4f3ec507fb0c87f0fa25f3dee5d7006e0c3dfecd
Time: 2019-10-03
Author: marianattestad@google.com
File Name: third_party/nucleus/util/variant_utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: is_indel

Project Name: google/nucleus
Commit Name: 1c0e8b29a453c40b9e1828e9213b5b03d1f11a2f
Time: 2019-10-03
Author: no-reply@google.com
File Name: nucleus/util/variant_utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: is_indel