
Before Change

        outBlockList = []
        // endmember solutions
        if self.applyScaling:
            for endmember in results[0]:
                endmember = endmember.reshape(-1, inBlock.shape[-1])
                endmember.clip(min=0, out=endmember)
                endmember *= (1.0 / endmember.max())

After Change

            // calculate R2
            RSS = resid                                 // without modification, resid is in fact RSS
            TSS = np.sum((y - y.mean())**2, axis=0)     // total sum of squares
            R2 = 1 - RSS / TSS
            resid = R2.reshape(1, -1, inBlock.shape[-1])
            resid = resid.reshape(1, -1, inBlock.shape[-1])  // extra dimension to match shape of endmembers

        outBlocks = np.row_stack((endmembers, resid))   // resid can be either RSS or R2

        // output pixel arrays of endmembers & residuals
        pixelBlocks["output_pixels"] = outBlocks.astype(props["pixelType"])
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: Esri/raster-functions
Commit Name: e698c1f1bbab1691152743a4516cf574c406e391
Time: 2015-02-11
Author: jwasilkowski@esri.com
File Name: functions/LinearSpectralUnmixing.py
Class Name: LinearSpectralUnmixing
Method Name: updatePixels

Project Name: deeptools/HiCExplorer
Commit Name: e8a8edec508fcf886d5c6329ff0729b1cff845e8
Time: 2018-09-04
Author: wolffj@informatik.uni-freiburg.de
File Name: hicexplorer/utilities.py
Class Name:
Method Name: exp_obs_matrix_norm

Project Name: pgmpy/pgmpy
Commit Name: ca09dcecea454e6552a7f30e57aef1dc4f2f295e
Time: 2020-08-11
Author: tristandeleu@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: pgmpy/estimators/StructureScore.py
Class Name: K2Score
Method Name: local_score

Project Name: pgmpy/pgmpy
Commit Name: ca09dcecea454e6552a7f30e57aef1dc4f2f295e
Time: 2020-08-11
Author: tristandeleu@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: pgmpy/estimators/StructureScore.py
Class Name: BDeuScore
Method Name: local_score