
Before Change

        if not match and raise_error:
            raise ValueError("cannot find the entry for %s in the token dict" % token)

    return "".join(literal).strip()

def detokenize_query(query, example_dict, table):
    detokenized_conds = []

After Change

        val = "".join(literal).strip()
    except IndexError:
        if raise_error:
            raise IndexError("cannot find the entry for [%s] in the token dict [%s]" % (" ".join(tokens),
                                                                                        " ".join(token_dict["words"])))

        // if we cannot find a consecutive sequence in the gloss dictionary,
        // revert to token-wise matching

        for token in tokens:
            match = False
            for word, gloss, after in zip(token_dict["words"], token_dict["gloss"], token_dict["after"]):
                if token == word:
                    literal.extend([gloss, after])
                    match = True

            if not match and raise_error:
                raise IndexError("cannot find the entry for [%s] in the token dict [%s]" % (" ".join(tokens),
                                                                                            " ".join(
        val = "".join(literal).strip()

    return val

Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: pcyin/tranX
Commit Name: 5e04ec7ae0b1b3b1ee321a28e09616653373cef5
Time: 2018-05-08
Author: pcyin@cs.cmu.edu
File Name: asdl/lang/sql/utils.py
Class Name:
Method Name: my_detokenize

Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: a8f3ec3ff99008920ce442698003e6e191c1d2b4
Time: 2013-07-11
Author: marcel.stimberg@ens.fr
File Name: brian2/core/specifiers.py
Class Name: VariableView
Method Name: __getitem__

Project Name: scipy/scipy
Commit Name: f43c64c4fd913751764d324a1b85c895a051bced
Time: 2018-11-08
Author: perimosocordiae@gmail.com
File Name: scipy/sparse/csr.py
Class Name: csr_matrix
Method Name: getcol