
Before Change

    if isinstance(resource, six.string_types):
      resource = resource_lib.Resource(url=resource)
    url = resource.url
    if url in self._url_infos:
      expected_sha256 = self._url_infos[url].checksum
      download_path = self._get_final_dl_path(url, expected_sha256)
      if not self._force_download and resource.exists_locally(download_path):
        logging.info("URL %s already downloaded: reusing %s.",
                     url, download_path)
        self._recorded_url_infos[url] = self._url_infos[url]
        return promise.Promise.resolve(download_path)
    // There is a slight difference between downloader and extractor here:
    // the extractor manages its own temp directory, while the DownloadManager
    // manages the temp directory of downloader.
    download_dir_path = os.path.join(
        "%s.tmp.%s" % (resource_lib.get_dl_dirname(url), uuid.uuid4().hex))

After Change

    url = resource.url

    // Compute the existing path if the file was previously downloaded
    url_path = self._get_final_dl_path(
        url, hashlib.sha256(url.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest())
    existing_path = self._find_existing_path(url=url, url_path=url_path)

    // If register checksums and file already downloaded, then:
    // * Record the url_infos of the downloaded file
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: tensorflow/datasets
Commit Name: 12c41492afd6b25847c277be1adaee6642f4756e
Time: 2020-05-12
Author: epot@google.com
File Name: tensorflow_datasets/core/download/download_manager.py
Class Name: DownloadManager
Method Name: _download

Project Name: matthewwithanm/django-imagekit
Commit Name: 64d95768f8192b11b8d390c198a2eee95ec82373
Time: 2012-11-01
Author: m@tthewwithanm.com
File Name: imagekit/files.py
Class Name: ImageSpecCacheFile
Method Name: name

Project Name: cve-search/cve-search
Commit Name: 5dc053923afeefed29ce7fc6d56b26a62acac432
Time: 2019-11-07
Author: sami.kairajarvi@gmail.com
File Name: sbin/db_mgmt_json.py
Class Name:
Method Name: process_cve_item