Before Change
Hess file name has to be "nwchem.hess". (default)
raise NotImplementedError()
def extract_formatted_properties(psivars: PreservingDict) -> AtomicResultProperties:
Get named properties out of the general variables extracted out of the result file
After Change
// Change the "D[+-]" notation of Fortran output to "E[+-]" used by Python
hess_conv = hess.replace("D", "E")
// Parse all of the float values
hess_triu = [float(x) for x in hess_conv.strip().splitlines()]
// The value in the Hessian matrix is the upper triangle
// We first convert it to a 2D array
n = int(np.sqrt(8 * len(hess_triu) + 1) - 1) // 2 // Size of the 2D matrix
hess_arr = np.zeros((n, n))
hess_arr[np.triu_indices(n)] = hess_triu
// Symmetrize it
return hess_arr.T + hess_arr - np.diag(np.diag(hess_arr))
def extract_formatted_properties(psivars: PreservingDict) -> AtomicResultProperties:
Get named properties out of the general variables extracted out of the result file
Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 7
Instances Project Name: MolSSI/QCEngine
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Class Name:
Method Name: harvest_hessian
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Class Name: MatrixLieAlgebra
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Class Name:
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