Before Change
// For the GAT model to match that in the paper, we need to ensure that the graph has self-loops,
// since the neighbourhood of node i in eq. (4) includes node i itself.
// Adding self-loops to A via setting the diagonal elements of A to 1.0:
if kwargs.get("add_self_loops", False):
// get the number of nodes from inputs[1] directly
N = K.int_shape(inputs[1])[-1]
if N is not None:
// create self-loops
A = tf.linalg.set_diag(A, K.cast(np.ones((N,)), dtype="float"))
raise ValueError(
"{}: need to know number of nodes to add self-loops; obtained None instead".format(
outputs = []
for head in range(self.attn_heads):
kernel = self.kernels[head] // W in the paper (F x F")
attention_kernel = self.attn_kernels[
After Change
// Add batch dimension back if we removed it
print("BATCH DIM:", batch_dim)
if batch_dim == 1:
output = K.expand_dims(output, 0)
return output
class GAT:

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 5
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Time: 2018-11-19
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Class Name:
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