Before Change
for ref_time in [10*ms, "10*ms", "(t-lastspike) <= 10*ms",
"(t-lastspike) <= ref", "ref", "ref_no_unit*ms"]:
G = NeuronGroup(1, """
dv/dt = 200*Hz : 1
ref : second
ref_no_unit : 1
""", threshold="v > 1",
reset="v=0", refractory=ref_time)
G.ref = 10*ms
G.ref_no_unit = 10
// The neuron should spike after 5ms but then not spike for the next
// 10ms. The state variable should continue to integrate so there should
After Change
for ref_time in [10*ms, "10*ms", "(t-lastspike) <= 10*ms",
"(t-lastspike) <= ref", "ref", "ref_no_unit*ms"]:
G = NeuronGroup(1, """
dv/dt = 200*Hz : 1
ref : second
ref_no_unit : 1
""", threshold="v > 0.999",
reset="v=0", refractory=ref_time,
dtype={"ref": defaultclock.variables["t"].dtype,
"ref_no_unit": defaultclock.variables["t"].dtype})
G.ref = 10*ms
G.ref_no_unit = 10
// The neuron should spike after 5ms but then not spike for the next
// 10ms. The state variable should continue to integrate so there should

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 6
Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: b05380ab92abe2ed79ff1f022e9a0ff7569b6a12
Time: 2018-04-13
Author: marcel.stimberg@inserm.fr
File Name: brian2/tests/test_refractory.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_refractoriness_threshold
Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: b05380ab92abe2ed79ff1f022e9a0ff7569b6a12
Time: 2018-04-13
Author: marcel.stimberg@inserm.fr
File Name: brian2/tests/test_refractory.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_refractoriness_variables
Project Name: brian-team/brian2
Commit Name: 3cf500d2cc6f6e783332b6b316a1973cd9b07e25
Time: 2014-06-25
Author: marcel.stimberg@ens.fr
File Name: brian2/tests/test_spikegenerator.py
Class Name:
Method Name: test_spikegenerator_basic