
Before Change

        if self.features_ is None:

            // If X is a data frame, get the columns off it.
            if is_dataframe(X):
                self.features_ = X.columns

            // Otherwise create numeric labels for each column.
                self.features_ = [
                    str(cdx) for cdx in range(ncols)

        // Draw the instances
        self.draw(X, y, **kwargs)

        // Fit always returns self.
        return self

After Change

        self : instance
            Returns the instance of the transformer/visualizer
        super(DataVisualizer, self).fit(X, y, **kwargs)

        // Store the classes for the legend if they"re None.
        if self.classes_ is None:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: DistrictDataLabs/yellowbrick
Commit Name: 58b309931088fa130e5320ca2850a7b1fc5ad7f2
Time: 2018-03-02
Author: pbs929@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: yellowbrick/features/base.py
Class Name: DataVisualizer
Method Name: fit

Project Name: flow-project/flow
Commit Name: 6675ef7ddc08ab25eb6545943c7f4cc0234b62ee
Time: 2017-08-03
Author: akreidieh@gmail.com
File Name: cistar-dev/cistar/envs/braess_paradox.py
Class Name: BraessParadoxEnvironment
Method Name: apply_acceleration

Project Name: tensorflow/magenta
Commit Name: e6597d7918d4b374dba407ca91654a7d8f884fbb
Time: 2018-01-30
Author: curtis@thefjord.org
File Name: magenta/models/music_vae/data.py
Class Name: BaseNoteSequenceConverter
Method Name: to_tensors