pcap_match = pcap_re.match(base_pcap)
if pcap_match:
return pcap_match.group(1)
return None
// Not a Poseidon trace file, return basename as key.
return base_pcap.split(".")[0]
def publish_message(self, message, close=False):
After Change
//// to the length of the network traffic capture. The flags aspect
//// refers to an unknown characteristic.
// TODO: tolerate tshark labels in the trace name, but do not parse them for now.
pcap_key = Nonepcap_labels = None
if base_pcap.startswith("trace_"):
pcap_re = re.compile(r"^trace_([\da-f]+)_.+(client|server)-(.+).pcap$")
pcap_match = pcap_re.match(base_pcap)
if pcap_match:
pcap_key = pcap_match.group(1)
pcap_labels = pcap_match.group(3)
// Not a Poseidon trace file, return basename as key.
pcap_key = base_pcap.split(".")[0]return (pcap_key, pcap_labels)
def publish_message(self, message, close=False):
if self.common.use_rabbit:
uid = os.getenv("id", "None")