
Before Change

        // Grab the method from input
        method = input_model.model.method
        if method.upper() in self._dft_functionals:  // Determine if method is a DFT functional
            method = "RKS"

        // Determining the final energy
        // Throws an error if the energy isn"t found for the method specified from the input_model.
        if method in self._post_hf_methods and molpro_map["total energy"][method] in properties:
            final_energy = properties[molpro_map["total energy"][method]]
        elif method in self._scf_methods and molpro_map["Energy"][method] in properties:
            final_energy = properties[molpro_map["Energy"][method]]

After Change

                    properties[molpro_map["total energy"][method]] = molecule_final_energy
                    properties[molpro_map["correlation energy"]
                               [method]] = molecule_final_energy - properties["scf_total_energy"]
                elif method in self._dft_functionals:
                    properties[molpro_map["Energy"]["KS"]] = molecule_final_energy
                elif method in self._hf_methods:
                    properties[molpro_map["Energy"][method]] = molecule_final_energy
                raise KeyError(f"Could not find {method} total energy")
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 5


Project Name: MolSSI/QCEngine
Commit Name: 809c77ab0ced2b2a93972a220aab8c6053d66885
Time: 2019-09-10
Author: sjrl423@gmail.com
File Name: qcengine/programs/molpro.py
Class Name: MolproHarness
Method Name: parse_output

Project Name: mindsdb/mindsdb
Commit Name: 8ae482b8bbdfe4de555e837be3984a8280aa2874
Time: 2020-07-08
Author: george@cerebralab.com
File Name: tests/integration_tests/flows/test_clickhouse.py
Class Name:
Method Name: query_ch

Project Name: AlexsLemonade/refinebio
Commit Name: 851a4d3df459e36fb500828815cd6840860d3467
Time: 2018-06-07
Author: kurt.wheeler91@gmail.com
File Name: foreman/data_refinery_foreman/surveyor/geo.py
Class Name: GeoSurveyor
Method Name: create_experiment_and_samples_from_api