Before Change
"time_once", "time_on_shape_change"]
if version() < (5000, 5000) and algo == "small":
algo = "guess_once"
elif algo is None and config.dnn.conv.algo_bwd_filter not in good_algo :
algo = "guess_once"
elif algo is not None and algo not in good_algo:
algo = "guess_once"
After Change
algo = "guess_once"
elif algo not in good_algo:
algo = "guess_once"
if algo != "none":
warnings.warn("[old backend] cuDNN backward filter convolution computation for 3D convolutions "
"may produce bad results with certain algorithms depending on the compute capability "
"of your GPU. If you encounter problems, consider setting the theano flag "
""dnn.conv.algo_bwd_filter" to "none" (dnn.conv.algo_bwd_filter=none)")
super(GpuDnnConv3dGradW, self).__init__(inplace=inplace,
assert self.algo in good_algo
Frequency: 4
Non-data size: 5
Instances Project Name: Theano/Theano
Commit Name: 56a3944520cf78adea8323ac803b12fe964e8068
Time: 2017-01-18
Author: stevenbocco@gmail.com
File Name: theano/sandbox/cuda/dnn.py
Class Name: GpuDnnConv3dGradW
Method Name: __init__
Project Name: sebp/scikit-survival
Commit Name: f11d0470e94e33a58f7cb2f996fa1abcaf878f3f
Time: 2020-04-10
Author: sebp@k-d-w.org
File Name: sksurv/ensemble/boosting.py
Class Name: GradientBoostingSurvivalAnalysis
Method Name: _check_params
Project Name: rtqichen/torchdiffeq
Commit Name: 47ba6dedb917847460b098c5f2b776a4c8bd0c1b
Time: 2021-01-05
Author: rtqichen@gmail.com
File Name: torchdiffeq/_impl/adjoint.py
Class Name:
Method Name: odeint_adjoint
Project Name: sebp/scikit-survival
Commit Name: f11d0470e94e33a58f7cb2f996fa1abcaf878f3f
Time: 2020-04-10
Author: sebp@k-d-w.org
File Name: sksurv/tree/tree.py
Class Name: SurvivalTree
Method Name: _check_params