
Before Change

        self.train_summary_writer = None

        timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
        self.out_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "seq_runs", timestamp))

    def save_to_file(self, model_fname):
        Save the classifier  to a file (actually two files, one for configuration and one

After Change

            self.delex_slots = set(self.delex_slots.split(","))

        // Train Summaries
        self.train_summary_dir = cfg.get("tb_summary_dir", None)
        if self.train_summary_dir:
            self.loss_summary_reranker = None
            self.train_summary_op = None
            self.train_summary_dir = None
            self.train_summary_writer = None

    def save_to_file(self, model_fname):
        Save the classifier  to a file (actually two files, one for configuration and one
        for the TensorFlow graph, which must be stored separately).
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: UFAL-DSG/tgen
Commit Name: 3d95882c14d31f3d1e358c39dcf34dfecdcc75a3
Time: 2017-12-14
Author: o.dusek@hw.ac.uk
File Name: tgen/tfclassif.py
Class Name: RerankingClassifier
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: OpenMined/Grid
Commit Name: 3fbdebd49ce6a24b3d0ef6731942996b621cda67
Time: 2020-07-01
Author: hericles.me@gmail.com
File Name: grid/app/main/events/fl_events.py
Class Name:
Method Name: authenticate

Project Name: UFAL-DSG/tgen
Commit Name: 3d95882c14d31f3d1e358c39dcf34dfecdcc75a3
Time: 2017-12-14
Author: o.dusek@hw.ac.uk
File Name: tgen/seq2seq.py
Class Name: Seq2SeqGen
Method Name: __init__