
Before Change

        image = image.copy()
        if channels == "all":
            channels = list(range(image.shape[-1]))
        max_intencity = 255 if np.issubdtype(image.dtype, np.integer) else 1.
        image[..., channels] = max_intencity - image[..., channels]
        return image

    def _salt_(self, image, p_noise=.015, color=255, size=(1, 1)):
         Set random pixel on image to givan value.

After Change

        if channels == "all":
            image = PIL.ImageChops.invert(image)
            bands = list(image.split())
            channels = (channels,) if isinstance(channels, Number) else channels
            for channel in channels:
                bands[channel] = PIL.ImageChops.invert(bands[channel])
            image = PIL.Image.merge("RGB", bands)
        return image

    def _salt_(self, image, p_noise=.015, color=255, size=(1, 1)):
         Set random pixel on image to givan value.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 8


Project Name: analysiscenter/batchflow
Commit Name: d381fb0787395076ecb8a3bd6984f52a16793fae
Time: 2018-03-27
Author: g.ivanov@analysiscenter.ru
File Name: dataset/batch_image.py
Class Name: ImagesBatch
Method Name: _invert_

Project Name: aleju/imgaug
Commit Name: fbdb0a65bb12236593130ba70758e832a7372d94
Time: 2019-09-13
Author: kontakt@ajung.name
File Name: imgaug/augmenters/arithmetic.py
Class Name: Invert
Method Name: _augment_images

Project Name: analysiscenter/batchflow
Commit Name: d381fb0787395076ecb8a3bd6984f52a16793fae
Time: 2018-03-27
Author: g.ivanov@analysiscenter.ru
File Name: dataset/batch_image.py
Class Name: ImagesBatch
Method Name: _invert_

Project Name: analysiscenter/batchflow
Commit Name: 49f4e83ae4323e032bdd232e466e59b4aeceb458
Time: 2018-03-28
Author: g.ivanov@analysiscenter.ru
File Name: dataset/batch_image.py
Class Name: ImagesBatch
Method Name: _invert_