
Before Change

    valid_extensions = [ext for ext in EXT_TO_READER if ext != ".libsvm"]

    if input_extension == ".libsvm":
        raise ValueError("Cannot join LibSVM files.  Please use skll_convert"
                         " to convert to a different datatype first.")
    elif input_extension not in valid_extensions:
        logger.error(("Input file must be in either .arff, .csv, .jsonlines, "
                      ".megam, .ndj, or .tsv format. You specified: "

    // Read and merge input files
    merged_set = None
    for infile in args.infile:
        reader = EXT_TO_READER[input_extension](args.infile, quiet=args.quiet,

After Change

    // make sure all the files are in the same format except libsvm files
    input_extension_set = list(set(input_extensions))
    if len(input_extension_set) > 1 or input_extension_set[0] not in valid_extensions:
        logger.error(("All input files must be in the same format: .arff, .csv, .jsonlines, "
                      ".megam, .ndj, or .tsv format."))

    if output_extension != input_extension_set[0]:
        logger.error(("Output file must be in the same format as the input file. "
                      "You specified: {}").format(output_extension))
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: EducationalTestingService/skll
Commit Name: e8db6660b202733a5764e9e9add869dbde8dbc32
Time: 2014-11-06
Author: nmadnani@ets.org
File Name: skll/utilities/join_features.py
Class Name:
Method Name: main

Project Name: Microsoft/MMdnn
Commit Name: fdeeaff5e452e257bf3a3dd76e25c81304cc4c98
Time: 2020-03-15
Author: linmajia@users.noreply.github.com
File Name: mmdnn/conversion/examples/tensorflow/vis_meta.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _main

Project Name: vatlab/SoS
Commit Name: b3192bf244120efa901cc9c46fe36fb6fb501803
Time: 2016-11-19
Author: ben.bog@gmail.com
File Name: sos/__main__.py
Class Name:
Method Name: cmd_run

Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: 20ef4a860325d1735df038d4e4b8c7de5e013ed3
Time: 2020-03-11
Author: sven@anyscale.io
File Name: rllib/tests/test_multi_agent_pendulum.py
Class Name:
Method Name: