
Before Change

        self._set_clustering_algorithm(algorithm, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(dataset, Dataset):

            self.dataset = dataset

            if global_mask is None:
                global_mask = dataset.masker

            if features is not None:
                data = self.dataset.get_ids_by_features(features, threshold=feature_threshold, 
                data = self.dataset.get_image_data()

            // if min_studies_per_voxel is not None:
            //     logger.info("Thresholding voxels based on number of studies.")
            //     sum_vox = data.sum(1)
            //     // Save the indices for later reconstruction
            //     active_vox = np.where(sum_vox > min_studies_per_voxel)[0]  
            //     n_active_vox = active_vox.shape[0]

            // if min_voxels_per_study is not None:
            //     logger.info("Thresholding studies based on number of voxels.")
            //     sum_studies = data.sum(0)
            //     active_studies = np.where(sum_studies > min_voxels_per_study)[0]
            //     n_active_studies = active_studies.shape[0]

            // if min_studies_per_voxel is not None:
            //     logger.info("Selecting voxels with more than %d studies." % min_studies_per_voxel)
            //     data = data[active_vox, :]

            // if min_voxels_per_study is not None:
            //     logger.info("Selecting studies with more than %d voxels." % min_voxels_per_study)
            //     data = data[:, active_studies]

            self.data = data

            self.data = dataset

            if global_mask is None:
                raise ValueError("If dataset is a numpy array, a valid global_mask (filename, " +
                    "Mask instance, or nibabel image) must be passed.")

        if not isinstance(global_mask, Masker):
            global_mask = Masker(global_mask)
        self.masker = global_mask

After Change

            data = self.dataset.get_image_data()

        if min_studies_per_voxel is not None:
            logger.info("Thresholding voxels based on number of studies.")
            sum_vox = data.sum(1)
            // Save the indices for later reconstruction
            active_vox = sum_vox > min_studies_per_voxel
            // n_active_vox = active_vox.shape[0]
            av = self.masker.unmask(active_vox, output="vector")

            // if min_voxels_per_study is not None:
            //     logger.info("Thresholding studies based on number of voxels.")
            //     sum_studies = data.sum(0)
            //     active_studies = np.where(sum_studies > min_voxels_per_study)[0]
            //     n_active_studies = active_studies.shape[0]

            // if min_studies_per_voxel is not None:
            //     logger.info("Selecting voxels with more than %d studies." % min_studies_per_voxel)
            //     data = data[active_vox, :]

            // if min_voxels_per_study is not None:
            //     logger.info("Selecting studies with more than %d voxels." % min_voxels_per_study)
            //     data = data[:, active_studies]

        self.data = data

        if distance_mask is not None:
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: neurosynth/neurosynth
Commit Name: edb300280cd7854bb58e023d01ac24160bf6d98d
Time: 2014-11-07
Author: tyarkoni@gmail.com
File Name: neurosynth/analysis/cluster.py
Class Name: Clusterer
Method Name: __init__

Project Name: google/deepvariant
Commit Name: 7ed8c6bbcfb2dc0da9b1011ba21d12791239de79
Time: 2019-10-21
Author: gunjanbaid@google.com
File Name: deepvariant/postprocess_variants.py
Class Name:
Method Name: main

Project Name: biolab/orange3
Commit Name: 976f9ea013348f6885114f0dae092e03dd0d1022
Time: 2018-08-02
Author: rafael@irgolic.com
File Name: Orange/canvas/document/schemeedit.py
Class Name: SchemeEditWidget
Method Name: __nodeInsert