
Before Change

    // to ignore those and only count the actual rows of data.
    curr_row_idx = 0
    for line in fh:
        line = line.strip()

        if not line:
        elif curr_row_idx >= num_ids:
            // We"ve hit a nonempty line after we already filled the
            // data matrix. Raise an error because we shouldn"t ignore
            // extra data.
            raise DMFormatError(
                "Encountered extra row(s) without corresponding IDs in "
                "the header.")

        tokens = line.split(delimiter)

        // -1 because the first element contains the current ID.
        if len(tokens) - 1 != num_ids:
            raise DMFormatError(
                "There are %d value(s) in row number %d, which is not"
                " equal to the number of ID(s) in the header (%d)."
                % (len(tokens) - 1, curr_row_idx + 1, num_ids))

        curr_id = tokens[0].strip()
        expected_id = ids[curr_row_idx]
        if curr_id == expected_id:
            data[curr_row_idx, :] = np.asarray(tokens[1:], dtype=float)

After Change

                "the header.")

        num_vals = len(row_data)
        if num_vals != num_ids:
            raise DMFormatError(
                "There are %d value(s) in row number %d, which is not "
                "equal to the number of ID(s) in the header (%d)."
                % (num_vals, row_idx + 1, num_ids))

        expected_id = ids[row_idx]
        if row_id == expected_id:
            data[row_idx, :] = np.asarray(row_data, dtype=float)
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: biocore/scikit-bio
Commit Name: a32b6ba661206b12841e0a7cf8abb16ab0782f0a
Time: 2014-08-25
Author: jai.rideout@gmail.com
File Name: skbio/io/dm.py
Class Name:
Method Name: _dm_to_matrix

Project Name: deepmipt/DeepPavlov
Commit Name: c3a9468a86a0abdf78c9a8d55a0147b0a61fb16b
Time: 2018-02-05
Author: arkhipov@yahoo.com
File Name: deeppavlov/models/ner/ner.py
Class Name: NER
Method Name: infer

Project Name: cesium-ml/cesium
Commit Name: 1cf1a4c00ba6404bb7387c722187a22357b2f193
Time: 2015-02-13
Author: a.crellinquick@gmail.com
File Name: mltsp/custom_feature_tools.py
Class Name:
Method Name: parse_tsdata_from_file