
Before Change

            best_flag = False

            if True: // if true
                if best_val_score is None or current_score > best_val_score:
                    best_val_score = current_score
                    best_flag = True

                // Dump miscalleous informations
                infos["best_val_score"] = best_val_score
                histories["val_result_history"] = val_result_history
                histories["loss_history"] = loss_history
                histories["lr_history"] = lr_history
                histories["ss_prob_history"] = ss_prob_history

                save_checkpoint(model, infos, optimizer, histories)
                if opt.save_history_ckpt:
                    save_checkpoint(model, infos, optimizer, append=str(iteration))

                if best_flag:
                    save_checkpoint(model, infos, optimizer, append="best")

        // Stop if reaching max epochs
        if epoch >= opt.max_epochs and opt.max_epochs != -1:

opt = opts.parse_opt()

After Change

            with open(os.path.join(opt.checkpoint_path, "histories_"+opt.id+"%s.pkl" %(append)), "wb") as f:
                utils.pickle_dump(histories, f)

        while True:
            if epoch_done:
                if not opt.noamopt and not opt.reduce_on_plateau:
                    // Assign the learning rate
                    if epoch > opt.learning_rate_decay_start and opt.learning_rate_decay_start >= 0:
                        frac = (epoch - opt.learning_rate_decay_start) // opt.learning_rate_decay_every
                        decay_factor = opt.learning_rate_decay_rate  ** frac
                        opt.current_lr = opt.learning_rate * decay_factor
                        opt.current_lr = opt.learning_rate
                    utils.set_lr(optimizer, opt.current_lr) // set the decayed rate
                // Assign the scheduled sampling prob
                if epoch > opt.scheduled_sampling_start and opt.scheduled_sampling_start >= 0:
                    frac = (epoch - opt.scheduled_sampling_start) // opt.scheduled_sampling_increase_every
                    opt.ss_prob = min(opt.scheduled_sampling_increase_prob  * frac, opt.scheduled_sampling_max_prob)
                    model.ss_prob = opt.ss_prob

                // If start self critical training
                if opt.self_critical_after != -1 and epoch >= opt.self_critical_after:
                    sc_flag = True
                    sc_flag = False

                epoch_done = False
            start = time.time()
            // Load data from train split (0)
            data = loader.get_batch("train")
            print("Read data:", time.time() - start)

            start = time.time()

            tmp = [data["fc_feats"], data["att_feats"], data["labels"], data["masks"], data["att_masks"]]
            tmp = [_ if _ is None else _.cuda() for _ in tmp]
            fc_feats, att_feats, labels, masks, att_masks = tmp
            model_out = dp_lw_model(fc_feats, att_feats, labels, masks, att_masks, data["gts"], torch.arange(0, len(data["gts"])), sc_flag)

            loss = model_out["loss"].mean()

            utils.clip_gradient(optimizer, opt.grad_clip)
            train_loss = loss.item()
            end = time.time()
            if not sc_flag:
                print("iter {} (epoch {}), train_loss = {:.3f}, time/batch = {:.3f}" \
                    .format(iteration, epoch, train_loss, end - start))
                print("iter {} (epoch {}), avg_reward = {:.3f}, time/batch = {:.3f}" \
                    .format(iteration, epoch, model_out["reward"].mean(), end - start))

            // Update the iteration and epoch
            iteration += 1
            if data["bounds"]["wrapped"]:
                epoch += 1
                epoch_done = True

            // Write the training loss summary
            if (iteration % opt.losses_log_every == 0):
                add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, "train_loss", train_loss, iteration)
                if opt.noamopt:
                    opt.current_lr = optimizer.rate()
                elif opt.reduce_on_plateau:
                    opt.current_lr = optimizer.current_lr
                add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, "learning_rate", opt.current_lr, iteration)
                add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, "scheduled_sampling_prob", model.ss_prob, iteration)
                if sc_flag:
                    add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, "avg_reward", model_out["reward"].mean(), iteration)

                loss_history[iteration] = train_loss if not sc_flag else model_out["reward"].mean()
                lr_history[iteration] = opt.current_lr
                ss_prob_history[iteration] = model.ss_prob

            // update infos
            infos["iter"] = iteration
            infos["epoch"] = epoch
            infos["iterators"] = loader.iterators
            infos["split_ix"] = loader.split_ix
            // make evaluation on validation set, and save model
            if (iteration % opt.save_checkpoint_every == 0):
                // eval model
                eval_kwargs = {"split": "val",
                                "dataset": opt.input_json}
                val_loss, predictions, lang_stats = eval_utils.eval_split(
                    dp_model, lw_model.crit, loader, eval_kwargs)

                if opt.reduce_on_plateau:
                    if "CIDEr" in lang_stats:
                // Write validation result into summary
                add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, "validation loss", val_loss, iteration)
                if lang_stats is not None:
                    for k,v in lang_stats.items():
                        add_summary_value(tb_summary_writer, k, v, iteration)
                val_result_history[iteration] = {"loss": val_loss, "lang_stats": lang_stats, "predictions": predictions}

                // Save model if is improving on validation result
                if opt.language_eval == 1:
                    current_score = lang_stats["CIDEr"]
                    current_score = - val_loss

                best_flag = False

                if best_val_score is None or current_score > best_val_score:
                    best_val_score = current_score
                    best_flag = True

                // Dump miscalleous informations
                infos["best_val_score"] = best_val_score
                histories["val_result_history"] = val_result_history
                histories["loss_history"] = loss_history
                histories["lr_history"] = lr_history
                histories["ss_prob_history"] = ss_prob_history

                save_checkpoint(model, infos, optimizer, histories)
                if opt.save_history_ckpt:
                    save_checkpoint(model, infos, optimizer, append=str(iteration))

                if best_flag:
                    save_checkpoint(model, infos, optimizer, append="best")

            // Stop if reaching max epochs
            if epoch >= opt.max_epochs and opt.max_epochs != -1:
    except (RuntimeError, KeyboardInterrupt):
        print("Save ckpt on exception ...")
        save_checkpoint(model, infos, optimizer)
        print("Save ckpt done.")
        stack_trace = traceback.format_exc()

opt = opts.parse_opt()
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 4

Non-data size: 9


Project Name: ruotianluo/ImageCaptioning.pytorch
Commit Name: 542967273fc7660d61726d07a1db756bdb890f43
Time: 2019-04-12
Author: rluo@ttic.edu
File Name: train.py
Class Name:
Method Name: train

Project Name: sentinel-hub/eo-learn
Commit Name: 9056208ea104828630f15b4e9e49da8e02755f75
Time: 2018-08-02
Author: tomi.slijepcevic@gmail.com
File Name: core/eolearn/core/eoexecution.py
Class Name: EOExecutor
Method Name: _render_tasks_source

Project Name: sentinel-hub/eo-learn
Commit Name: 798defcbca0cb6a0ecf5f3b371b9d1520bf4dd07
Time: 2018-07-26
Author: tomi.slijepcevic@gmail.com
File Name: core/eolearn/core/eoexecution.py
Class Name: EOExecutor
Method Name: _render_tasks_source