// Make square figures and axes
the_grid = GridSpec(2, 2)
plt.subplot(the_grid[0, 0], aspect=1)
plt.pie(fracs, labels=labels, autopct="%1.1f%%", shadow=True)
plt.subplot(the_grid[0, 1], aspect=1)
plt.pie(fracs, explode=explode, labels=labels, autopct="%.0f%%", shadow=True)
plt.subplot(the_grid[1, 0], aspect=1)
patches, texts, autotexts = plt.pie(fracs, labels=labels,
shadow=True, radius=0.5)
// Make the labels on the small plot easier to read.
for t in texts:
for t in autotexts:
plt.subplot(the_grid[1, 1], aspect=1)
// Turn off shadow for tiny plot with exploded slice.
patches, texts, autotexts = plt.pie(fracs, explode=explode,
labels=labels, autopct="%.0f%%",
After Change
// Shift the second slice using explode
axs[0, 1].pie(fracs, labels=labels, autopct="%.0f%%", shadow=True,
explode=(0, 0.1, 0, 0))
// Adapt radius and text size for a smaller pie
patches, texts, autotexts = axs[1, 0].pie(fracs, labels=labels,