Before Change
return result.reindex(index, fill_value=fill_value).sort_index()
_results_for_groupbys_with_missing_categories = dict(
// This maps the builtin groupby functions to their expected outputs for
// missing categories when they are called on a categorical grouper with
// observed=False. Some functions are expected to return NaN, some zero.
// These expected values can be used across several tests (i.e. they are
// the same for SeriesGroupBy and DataFrameGroupBy) but they should only be
// hardcoded in one place.
("all", np.NaN),
("any", np.NaN),
("count", 0),
("corrwith", np.NaN),
("first", np.NaN),
("idxmax", np.NaN),
("idxmin", np.NaN),
("last", np.NaN),
("mad", np.NaN),
("max", np.NaN),
("mean", np.NaN),
("median", np.NaN),
("min", np.NaN),
("nth", np.NaN),
("nunique", 0),
("prod", np.NaN),
("quantile", np.NaN),
("sem", np.NaN),
("size", 0),
("skew", np.NaN),
("std", np.NaN),
("sum", 0),
("var", np.NaN),
def test_apply_use_categorical_name(df):
cats = qcut(df.C, 4)
After Change
return result.reindex(index, fill_value=fill_value).sort_index()
_results_for_groupbys_with_missing_categories = {
// This maps the builtin groupby functions to their expected outputs for
// missing categories when they are called on a categorical grouper with
// observed=False. Some functions are expected to return NaN, some zero.
// These expected values can be used across several tests (i.e. they are
// the same for SeriesGroupBy and DataFrameGroupBy) but they should only be
// hardcoded in one place.
"all": np.NaN,
"any": np.NaN,
"count": 0,
"corrwith": np.NaN,
"first": np.NaN,
"idxmax": np.NaN,
"idxmin": np.NaN,
"last": np.NaN,
"mad": np.NaN,
"max": np.NaN,
"mean": np.NaN,
"median": np.NaN,
"min": np.NaN,
"nth": np.NaN,
"nunique": 0,
"prod": np.NaN,
"quantile": np.NaN,
"sem": np.NaN,
"size": 0,
"skew": np.NaN,
"std": np.NaN,
"sum": 0,
"var": np.NaN,
def test_apply_use_categorical_name(df):
cats = qcut(df.C, 4)

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 6
Project Name: pandas-dev/pandas
Commit Name: 3391a348f3f7cd07a96c8e6a4b05e3e9f60c8567
Time: 2020-11-26
Author: fangchen.li@outlook.com
File Name: pandas/tests/groupby/test_categorical.py
Class Name:
Method Name:
Project Name: pandas-dev/pandas
Commit Name: 3391a348f3f7cd07a96c8e6a4b05e3e9f60c8567
Time: 2020-11-26
Author: fangchen.li@outlook.com
File Name: pandas/tests/frame/methods/test_dtypes.py
Class Name: TestDataFrameDataTypes
Method Name: test_empty_frame_dtypes
Project Name: home-assistant/home-assistant
Commit Name: 71eb09ee5e9dbf56b747665c9dfec92dddc5d864
Time: 2016-06-10
Author: paulus@paulusschoutsen.nl
File Name: tests/components/test_configurator.py
Class Name: TestConfigurator
Method Name: test_request_all_info