
Before Change

phi= phi[1:-1]
psi= psi[1:-1]
// Creation of 2D-histogram
hist, psi_edges, phi_edges = np.histogram2d(
    psi, phi, bins=72, normed=True, range=[[-180,180],[-180,180]])

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = ax.contourf(phi_edges[:-1], psi_edges[:-1], hist, cmap="afmhot",

After Change

data_set = np.vstack([phi, psi])
density = sts.gaussian_kde(data_set)(data_set)
// Ensure that high density colors are rendered in front
i_sorted = density.argsort()
phi = phi[i_sorted]
psi = psi[i_sorted]
density = density[i_sorted]
// Normalize, so that the lonliest point gets a value of 1
density = density / np.min(density)

// Plot density
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 8


Project Name: biotite-dev/biotite
Commit Name: 4c52bf72787eb68da4786aa294ffefb07635d200
Time: 2018-05-12
Author: patrick.kunzm@gmail.com
File Name: doc/examples/scripts/structure/ramachandran.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: biotite-dev/biotite
Commit Name: 4c52bf72787eb68da4786aa294ffefb07635d200
Time: 2018-05-12
Author: patrick.kunzm@gmail.com
File Name: doc/examples/scripts/structure/ramachandran.py
Class Name:
Method Name:

Project Name: tryolabs/luminoth
Commit Name: 8dd1ec5bfef42af8ad75a38a4ac6d58e7d7763c9
Time: 2017-10-09
Author: javirey@gmail.com
File Name: luminoth/utils/image_vis.py
Class Name:
Method Name: draw_rpn_bbox_pred

Project Name: broadinstitute/gtex-pipeline
Commit Name: 1868550f1b5db4294f65ad06cc657f76f8b0f96c
Time: 2017-05-15
Author: francois@broadinstitute.org
File Name: rnaseq/src/combine_GCTs.py
Class Name:
Method Name: