Before Change
dimensions = Enum(Dimensions, default="both", help=
Which dimensions the wheel zoom tool is constrained to act in. By
default the wheel zoom tool will zoom in any dimension, but can be
configured to only zoom horizontally across the width of the plot, or
vertically across the height of the plot.
).accepts(List(Enum(Dimension)), _deprecated_dimensions("WheelZoomTool"))
class SaveTool(Action):
""" *toolbar icon*: |save_icon|
After Change
dimensions = Enum(Dimensions, default="both", help=
Which dimensions the wheel zoom tool is constrained to act in. By
default the wheel zoom tool will zoom in any dimension, but can be
configured to only zoom horizontally across the width of the plot, or
vertically across the height of the plot.
class SaveTool(Action):
""" *toolbar icon*: |save_icon|

Frequency: 7
Non-data size: 8
Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: 4699dd69140cad6d1967e54d38cd4a10e430bc84
Time: 2017-04-20
Author: bryanv@continuum.io
File Name: bokeh/models/tools.py
Class Name: WheelZoomTool
Method Name: WheelZoomTool_1
Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: 4699dd69140cad6d1967e54d38cd4a10e430bc84
Time: 2017-04-20
Author: bryanv@continuum.io
File Name: bokeh/models/tools.py
Class Name: ZoomInTool
Method Name: ZoomInTool_1
Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: 4699dd69140cad6d1967e54d38cd4a10e430bc84
Time: 2017-04-20
Author: bryanv@continuum.io
File Name: bokeh/models/tools.py
Class Name: BoxZoomTool
Method Name: BoxZoomTool_1
Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: 4699dd69140cad6d1967e54d38cd4a10e430bc84
Time: 2017-04-20
Author: bryanv@continuum.io
File Name: bokeh/models/tools.py
Class Name: CrosshairTool
Method Name: CrosshairTool_1
Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: 4699dd69140cad6d1967e54d38cd4a10e430bc84
Time: 2017-04-20
Author: bryanv@continuum.io
File Name: bokeh/models/tools.py
Class Name: ZoomOutTool
Method Name: ZoomOutTool_1
Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: 4699dd69140cad6d1967e54d38cd4a10e430bc84
Time: 2017-04-20
Author: bryanv@continuum.io
File Name: bokeh/models/tools.py
Class Name: PanTool
Method Name: PanTool_1
Project Name: bokeh/bokeh
Commit Name: 4699dd69140cad6d1967e54d38cd4a10e430bc84
Time: 2017-04-20
Author: bryanv@continuum.io
File Name: bokeh/models/tools.py
Class Name: BoxSelectTool
Method Name: BoxSelectTool_1