
Before Change

  out, _ = vm.RemoteCommand("numactl --hardware")
  matches = regex_util.ExtractAllMatches(NUMA_CPUS_REGEX, out)
  numa_map = {}
  for m in matches:
    node = m[0]
    num_cpus = len(m[1].split(" "))
    numa_map[node] = num_cpus
  return numa_map

def _Install(vm):

After Change

    A dictionary, key is the numa node, value is the
    number of vCPUs on the node.
  return {
      node: len(value.split())
      for node, value in _ParseNuma(vm, NUMA_CPUS_REGEX).items()

def GetNumaMemory(vm) -> Dict[int, int]:
  Get NUMA memory topology of the VM.
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 8


Project Name: GoogleCloudPlatform/PerfKitBenchmarker
Commit Name: ddddfbb62a5aebbf8bd074280e4512fa7e6ee011
Time: 2021-02-18
Author: chriswilkes@google.com
File Name: perfkitbenchmarker/linux_packages/numactl.py
Class Name:
Method Name: GetNuma

Project Name: GoogleCloudPlatform/PerfKitBenchmarker
Commit Name: 225d31587eeb9aca226158e346c8e9730777913c
Time: 2017-02-24
Author: nlavine@google.com
File Name: perfkitbenchmarker/publisher.py
Class Name:
Method Name: RepublishJSONSamples

Project Name: NervanaSystems/coach
Commit Name: b1e9ea48d86807382c5feca0d18a6bf71f5caa03
Time: 2019-01-03
Author: gouravr@amazon.com
File Name: rl_coach/architectures/tensorflow_components/savers.py
Class Name: GlobalVariableSaver
Method Name: restore