
Before Change

            for key in ("epsg", "maxExtent", "proj4js", "units"):
                cache[key] = projection[key] if key in projection else None
            for key in ("image", "height", "width"):
                cache["marker_%s" % key] = marker[key] if key in marker \
                                                       else None

        // Store the values

After Change

        row = None
        rows = None
        if config_id:
            row = db(ctable.id == config_id).select(ctable.merge,
                                                    limitby= (0, 1)
            if row:
                // May well not be complete, so Left Join
                left = (ptable.on(ptable.id == ctable.projection_id),
                        stable.on((stable.config_id == ctable.id) & \
                                  (stable.layer_id == None)),
                        mtable.on(mtable.id == stable.marker_id),
                if row.merge:
                    // Merge this one with the Site Default
                    query = (ctable.id == config_id) | \
                            (ctable.uuid == "SITE_DEFAULT")
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 7


Project Name: sahana/eden
Commit Name: 3ae77833389609a2c958c745e47086ece9efef73
Time: 2020-03-30
Author: fran@aidiq.com
File Name: modules/s3/s3gis.py
Class Name: GIS
Method Name: set_config

Project Name: sahana/eden
Commit Name: 9bf9469a0f2dc81c1749fb8ca6139367edbaad79
Time: 2020-01-27
Author: fran@aidiq.com
File Name: modules/s3db/setup.py
Class Name: S3AWSCloudModel
Method Name: setup_aws_server_ondelete

Project Name: sahana/eden
Commit Name: ef2c9d1e1c83223c279faa8e2b1fe2df5219c7f9
Time: 2019-08-18
Author: fran@aidiq.com
File Name: modules/s3db/dc.py
Class Name: DataCollectionTemplateModel
Method Name: dc_question_onaccept