
Before Change

    def train_separate(self):
        """Trains the network when the actor and critic are separate networks"""
        if self.to_train == 1:
            batch = self.sample()
            logger.debug3(f"Batch states: {batch["states"]}")
            critic_loss = self.train_critic(batch)
            actor_loss = self.train_actor(batch)
            total_loss = critic_loss + abs(actor_loss)
            logger.debug("Losses: Critic: {:.2f}, Actor: {:.2f}, Total: {:.2f}".format(
                critic_loss, abs(actor_loss), total_loss
            return total_loss.item()
            return np.nan

    def train_critic(self, batch):
        """Trains the critic when the actor and critic are separate networks"""
        if self.body.memory.is_episodic:
            return self.train_critic_episodic(batch)

After Change

        Trains the network when the actor and critic are separate networks
        loss = val_loss + abs(policy_loss)
        if self.to_train == 1:
            batch = self.sample()
            with torch.no_grad():
                advs, v_targets = self.calc_advs_v_targets(batch)
            policy_loss = self.train_actor(advs)
            val_loss = self.train_critic(batch)
            loss = val_loss + abs(policy_loss)
            // reset
            self.to_train = 0
            self.body.entropies = []
            self.body.log_probs = []
            logger.debug(f"Total loss: {loss:.2f}")
            self.last_loss = loss.item()
        return self.last_loss

    def train_actor(self, advs):
        """Trains the actor when the actor and critic are separate networks"""
Italian Trulli

Frequency: 3

Non-data size: 6


Project Name: kengz/SLM-Lab
Commit Name: 2381a50a70559340a0335288d648b4bb9a675588
Time: 2018-06-12
Author: kengzwl@gmail.com
File Name: slm_lab/agent/algorithm/actor_critic.py
Class Name: ActorCritic
Method Name: train_separate

Project Name: RasaHQ/rasa
Commit Name: 42f19fa4ffc6e33a802cf5dbd2140a6d282b507a
Time: 2018-11-07
Author: akela@rasa.ai
File Name: rasa_core/policies/keras_policy.py
Class Name: KerasPolicy
Method Name: train

Project Name: ray-project/ray
Commit Name: ef873be9e83fa8ac6b4d71c1a2e589f3db95b5c6
Time: 2021-03-02
Author: ekhliang@gmail.com
File Name: python/ray/resource_spec.py
Class Name: ResourceSpec
Method Name: resolve