Before Change
commit_date = commit_str[start:end].split()
next_commit_date = int(commit_date[0]) + step
commit_str = self._run("log", "-d", "<" + str(next_commit_date) + " " + commit_date[1], "-l", "1", "--template", "<START>{node}<END>")
start = commit_str.index("<START>") + len("<START>")
end = commit_str.index("<END>")
return commit_str[start:end]
After Change
res = self._run("next", str(step))
if res is None:
return commit
res = res.split("\n")
if len(res) > 0 and res[0].strip() == "reached head commit":
// Not yet have step commits
return commit
return self.getCurrentCommitHash()
def getCommitsInRange(self, start_date, end_date):
sdate = start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

Frequency: 3
Non-data size: 7
Project Name: facebook/FAI-PEP
Commit Name: 81f5c2e3a12922e2e00f2de0e4a56ccc7ab703ca
Time: 2018-05-29
Author: sf_wind@hotmail.com
File Name: benchmarking/repos/hg.py
Class Name: HGRepo
Method Name: getNextCommitHash
Project Name: sepandhaghighi/pycm
Commit Name: cf98a03b61d6d2ee37c72e79f9ad97ae31e197e4
Time: 2018-09-07
Author: sepand.haghighi@yahoo.com
File Name: pycm/pycm_output.py
Class Name:
Method Name: html_table
Project Name: ricsinaruto/Seq2seqChatbots
Commit Name: 77755d613b027b2c5a80297cca2deb74130b4b1f
Time: 2019-02-16
Author: ricsinaruto@hotmail.com
File Name: t2t_csaky/scripts/hred_metrics.py
Class Name:
Method Name: main